Golden Light Press E-Journal                Issue #1                  2/01/03               Editor:  Ms. Portia M. Tabor




        From: Librarian at

        Subject: Did you know we're in LAUNCH mode?





Welcome to the new Web presence of GOLDEN LIGHT PRESS! 


Your "Virtual Librarian" at , thanks

you for signing up for the "E-Journal". The plan is to produce

an E-zine dedicated to the growing field of Digital Publishing,

with added emphasis on all great things literary.


The distribution method will be: Subscribers will be E-mailed a

Mini-Ezine, as notification the HTML version is online for browsing.

Archives will be maintained and will include a *.txt format, too.


AUTHORS whose works are brought to the forefront in electronic

publishing though this “Press” will be in particular focus. The web

presence offers each a special place to call their own, with even

a personal E-mail to use!  Potential for individualized attention in

creation of a digital work, is Golden Light Press’ unique specialty!


The "Premiere Issue" of the E-Journal will arrive relatively soon, as

coordinating preparing a new web presence with continuing to

simultaneously publish Electronic books, is a whirlwind of activity!


It's up to the elbows in the editorial "S.O.S." needed to brighten

an overall plan - format, selection of articles, features - and make

accompanying graphic enhancements. Plus create it all web space!


Shining results are anticipated to celebrate the momentous milestone

of our launching on the WWW! An elaborately created publication, with

every word carefully polished, is the precise gem we hone to perfection!


Your copy, will roll 'hot of the press' in a few short weeks. Meanwhile, 

you are now reading the ‘default’ online E-ZINE here:




The current HTML "E-Journal" (or *.txt format) will be accessible from

this page, via LINKS, in case you can't locate your E-mail copy!


The 'timeless' offers a rare glimpse into our 'written past' and contains

immeasurable value. A fuller selection of the "The Classics" will show up

to browse through in our Library Reading Rooms, any day now!




Feel free to sign the Guestbook.  Well-stocked shelves of Complimentary

E-books will stack up any day now, so drop on by now n' then!




However, it is the primary consideration of Golden Light Press to: design,

produce and publish definitively unique E-books, of considerable value to

both AUTHORS and the reading public! Anything else will need to wait upon

this recurrent miracle, while remaining in proper perspective.


       * ALL HAIL - THE SPOKEN AND WRITTEN WORD! * (and its’ advocates)



kind regards,


Portia M. Tabor,  "Your Virtual  Librarian"   






This is an “opt-in”/ by E-mail subscription only publication.

This mini-Ezine is available by sending a blank E-mail to:  [-Publication on demand-]


To unsubscribe, send a BLANK E-mail to the same address.

Make sure it is from the address you wish to have removed

from records!




                Ms. Portia M. Tabor






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©       2003   Golden Light Press