Act 1 Scene 2


Traveler 1

Come here Stacy! Quick!


There is something very suspicious about this fellow.

I don't like the looks of him.


Traveler 2

He's sleeping.

So what?


Traveler 1

Maybe he's sleeping.

Maybe not.


But I don't like the looks of him all the same.

He's got some skeletons in his closet - this one.



         Act 1 Scene 3


The power to frame a question is the power to design the cosmos.

A prisoner cannot be executed, or a war started,

unless the question has been framed in such a way to require it.

The power to frame a question, is the power to destroy God.



         Act 1 Scene 4


I remember once, I spoke to an old man who had fertilized his blueberry bushes with dreams.


All his life, he had believed in the old saying,

"Follow your dreams - wherever they lead."


Well, the old man's dreams led him to disgrace and ruin.

His absurd schemes cost him his wife, his family, everything.


So one day, he wised up.

He fled from his dreams, and went as far away as he could,

until he found a little piece of land, where there were blueberry bushes.

Wild blueberries, planted by God.


But he was afraid. He was afraid that one day, his dreams would rise up

again and tempt him. So being something of a religious man, he called on

the devil.


"Satan", he said,

"If you'll take my dreams and use them to fertilize these blueberry bushes,

then if there is such a thing as a soul, and if I've one to offer, you can have it when I die."


The devil took the deal.

First, he inhaled and sucked all the old man's dreams out of him.

Then he poured them into a teacup, and sprinkled a few drops on the soil

around each blueberry bush.


And fear vanished. Temptation fled.

And even though his life's dreams had been bitter for him.

They made good fertilizer.

For the sweetness of those blueberries became legend.

People would come for miles to pick them.


When the day finally came for the devil to collect,

he went to the old man’s cabin...and found nothing.


The greatest of all con artists, Satan himself, had been set up.

For if the old man ever had a soul, it vanished with his dreams,

and left only the sweet taste of wild blueberries behind.



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