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“Postcard Poems     an E-book with melodic interludes

{original 2002 electronic version, is under 2006 revision –- to be linked with INFO here soon!}



 “Postcard Poems” by MARC ELLIS, was recently solicited for printing by the publication below!                 


 March 24, 2004


Newly published: Off the Record: An Anthology of Poetry by Lawyers
James R. Elkins of the West Virginia University College of Law:

The Legal Studies Forum, a interdisciplinary journal which in recent years has focused on literature, film, and popular culture, announces publication of its 2004 volume, Off the Record: An Anthology of Poetry by Lawyers. The anthology, a volume of 732 pages, presents the poetry of 66 lawyers or former lawyers (and one law student). Off the Record is of historical significance as it is the first anthology of lawyers’ poetry ever published, and indeed, is thought to be the first issue of an American law journal devoted exclusively to poetry.”


“Some people may assume that lawyering & the making of poems are incompatible activities -- we’d remind them that the medium of both is language. The two arts come together in the (quite possibly apocryphal) story about our friend Dayvid Figler, . . . . .“Poet for the defense,” who is said to have won a case in criminal court with his performance of a summation written entirely in blank verse.”        - LINKED from:  --



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MARC ELLIS modestly corresponds with his other Publisher and literati colleagues, about his latest poetic feat!          (did I say ‘modestly’?  - Portia M. Tabor, Editor) 


Tuesday, March 16, 2004   5:57 PM


Univ. of West Virginia Press published 5 of my postcard poems.

URL link


Unfortunately, there is no on-line edition.
But I am in there with some famous lawyer-poets.

Did you know Gerry Spence was a poet?
He writes long poems. I write short ones.
I'm not being immodest,  mine are more original...

or at least they are more brief.

I invented the genre of postcards that are poems. 

Other poets have written poems and called them postcards.
Guillame Apollinaire's beautiful "Field Postcard" from WWI
is the best example I've seen.

But I have written postcards & called them poems!

I got page 651.
He got page 99.
But it's nice to know that at least one place,
I'm listed in the same book of lawyers as Gerry Spence. 

URL Link



Marc Ellis




  COMING SOON ~ revised 2006 Edition of Postcard Poems


a melodious E-book by MARC ELLIS                       Ellis -HOME- pg.



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